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Why You Should Never Buy CBD Products Online Instead of at the Best Dispensary in Denver

June 5, 2019

If you’re like most people, you turn to the internet for almost everything. It’s the perfect place to get information on that music video you vaguely remember seeing when you were five. And it’s the best place to buy a ton of things you use every day. In fact, more than 79 percent of Americans buy items online each year. But some things are always best bought in person. Here’s why you should never buy CBD products online and instead need to head to your Denver dispensary.

Quality Standards
When you’re buying products online, you’re buying something unknown even if it looks like a high-quality product. There’s no way to tell for sure if the item you’re ordering is, in fact, the high-quality CBD product you’re expecting. And many online retail sites have scammers selling low-grade products masquerading as great CBD concentrates. 

But when you buy from your favorite dispensary, you’ll know exactly what you’re getting. Each product is carefully researched before it’s brought into the store. And we take care to validate the quality of those concentrates. Further, products sold in the dispensary are made from domestic hemp and cannabis only. This means the products are guaranteed to be pure and free of harmful chemicals and toxins that negate the effects of the CBD itself. 

Only Hemp CBD is Sold Online
Online retailers cannot legally offer CBDs made from cannabis to consumers outside of states where cannabis is legal. This means the vast majority of CBD concentrates you find online are derived from hemp. Though they’re still beneficial, they lack many of the important nutrients and cannabinoids found in cannabis-derived CBD products. At a local dispensary, you’ll be able to get CBD concentrates derived from cannabis, giving you more bang for your buck.

Unknown Concentrations
Every CBD concentrate, tincture, and edible available at your dispensary has a known concentration of CBDs. The concentration is determined through independent lab testing and is consistent across the entire production line every time the manufacturer issues a new batch. When you buy CBDs from your dispensary, you know exactly what you’re getting. The same is not always true for online retailers. They may sell products that have never gone through lab testing or have any type of concentration information on the label. You’ll be getting an unknown product and won’t be able to set a dosage for yourself without a lot of trial and error. 

The truth is, there are a lot of options to choose from when you’re shopping for CBDs online. Finding the right product for your needs, your budget, and your concerns can be tough. By shopping with your local dispensary, you’ll spare yourself the stress of having to research product after product just to find out which ones are suitable. Our experienced budtenders will help you find the right concentrate for your needs whether you want CBD oil to use in a homemade lotion or are looking for a CBD-heavy strain of marijuana to give you a more mellow high. Stop by one of our three locations today.