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Why THC Makes a Difference in Full-Spectrum CBD Products from Your Denver Dispensary

March 5, 2020

CBD is one of the fastest-growing supplement industries on the market. People use it for many reasons ranging from promoting healthy inflammatory responses to improving the quality of their sleep. While popular science is just starting to catch onto the benefits of cannabis and CBD tinctures available at weed shops in Denver, those using the products know just how much they help. But if you’ve ever tried hemp-based CBD products purchased online or out of state, you’ve probably noticed that they don’t work as well. So, why is that?

Cannabis-Based CBD Has THC
CBD products produced from hemp contain virtually no detectable amounts of THC. That’s why it’s mostly considered legal to sell them in grocery stores, online, and in states where marijuana isn’t legal. But CBD products available at your local dispensary contain THC. Why? Because they’re produced from marijuana, not hemp. 

Though both are part of the cannabis family, only products made from marijuana plants contain THC. And that THC enhances the benefits of the CBD in every dose.

All About That Full-Spectrum Effect
Even hemp-based CBD products can be full-spectrum meaning they have more of the beneficial cannabinoids that work together to create a more noticeable effect. But those full-spectrum products won’t have any more THC. 

Without THC, you’ll still get some benefits from the products. But when you combine THC and CBD, your body can get more of the goodness you’re looking for with every dose. And if you’re worried about drug tests or don’t want to experience even a slight high, taking straight CBD is perfectly fine. But if you’re looking to get the most impact from your products, adding THC will help.

What You Can Do
Let’s say you already have a bunch of CBD isolate or tinctures that you picked up at the grocery store last week. Should you throw it out just because it doesn’t have THC? Absolutely not! Just pick up a THC-based tincture at your favorite dispensary and use just a touch when you’re using your CBD products. This will give your body right combination to help you get the most out of each dose.

Remember, you don’t have to get high to see the effects. Adding THC is about rounding out the CBD products, not getting high—though you’re free to if you feel like it. Just be mindful of how much you’re using in conjunction with your CBD. All it takes is a little to enhance the benefits and properties of straight CBD products. Adding more THC won’t necessarily increase the efficacy of the CBD.

Stick to Products From Your Dispensary
If you’re looking to get the best quality CBD products that naturally contain the THC needed to make them better than others on the market, skip the grocery store. You’ll only be able to buy these items at your local dispensary. Remember, CBD made from marijuana is legal in Colorado, but regular retail stores can’t legally sell it. Stop by the location nearest you and pick up a high-quality tincture or edible today.