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What Is Delta-8 THC Popping up in Weed Shops in Denver

April 5, 2021

Cannabis plants have grown in nature for thousands of years. And every plant, no matter what type or strain it is, produces hundreds of beneficial cannabinoids. The most common of these cannabinoids that people usually reach for when shopping at their favorite dispensaries in Denver is delta-9 THC. This cannabinoid helps you get that much-sought-after high. But recently, it’s distant cousin, delta-8 THC has been popping up in distillates and concentrates. So, what exactly is this type of THC and is it worth trying?

What Delta-8 THC Is

Simply put, delta-8 is just one of the many cannabinoids produced by marijuana plants. Contrary to popular belief, there’s nothing synthetic about the cannabinoid. It’s found in nature, just like delta-9 THC. 

But unlike delta-9, it’s much harder to isolate and distil. This used to make chasing after the cannabinoid difficult and prohibitively expensive. Improvements in distillation techniques and general cannabis knowledge have made creating delta-8 concentrates easier and affordable.

Why People Are Taking Delta-8 THC

For many people, the most common strains of cannabis are too potent. The highs they get from even small doses can be overwhelming and often carry with them side effects like paranoia, lethargy, and a general malaise. 

Delta-8 cannabis concentrates pack many of the same benefits as delta-9 THC, but they have a much less severe psychoactive response. This means people with little to no tolerance for standard cannabis can still be able to enjoy that buzz without feeling off or unwell. Even better, the delta-9 THC products currently on the market are widely believed to offer the same benefits as delta-9 THC. That means users won’t have to choose between getting high and seeing the health benefits commonly associated with cannabis.

What to Look for in Products

If you’re interested in trying a delta-8 THC product, the best place to start is to head to your local Denver dispensary and look at the products in stock. Just like delta-9 products, you’ll be able to find everything from edibles and tinctures to smokables and vaping cartridges. 

If you’re not sure what you want to try, speak with the budtenders and ask them for advice. They’ll be able to make recommendations based on your preferences and the way you enjoy using cannabis most. 

Is Delta-8 Better?

Anytime a new product, strain, or cannabinoid takes the spotlight, people start to wonder if it’s better than what they’ve been using. With delta-8, the same trend is proving true. But just because it’s new doesn’t mean it’s better than other forms of THC. It just means it’s different. If you’re looking for a way to get less high while still reaping the rewards of the cannabis, delta-8 is your best bet.

Stock up Today

If you’re looking for high-quality cannabis products that will leave you pleasantly buzzed stop by Altitude the Dispensary. Our friendly budtenders will help you find the perfect products for your desired high. And be sure to take advantage of the latest specials and additional savings by signing up for our loyalty rewards program.Â