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How to Choose the Right Vaporizer in Denver

August 17, 2016

Although many people thought vaping was just a trend, it’s managed to stick around year after year and prove its permanence. If you’re new to the world of vaping, the first step is picking out the right vaporizer for your needs. How can you determine which style is best for you? Follow these tips:

Figure out where you will vape.
Before you begin to vape marijuana extract from the best dispensary in Denver, you have to choose the best model for you based on where you plan on using it. Vaporizers are either designed for desktop or portable use. If you want to vape outside of the home, then a desktop model will not suit your needs, since you will need to stay close to an electrical outlet to use this style. However, if you only plan on vaping in the comfort of your home, the desktop model will work just fine. But, portable vaporizers are lightweight so they can be easily carried with you, giving you more options on how you can your vaporizer.

Then, narrow down your options.
If you do decide to use a portable vaporizer to vape extracts from the best dispensary in Denver, you have to figure out which model you want. Battery-powered portable vaporizers are the most efficient, but you will have to remember to charge them before use. Other styles are powered by disposable batteries so you don’t have to remember to constantly charge the device. However, be sure to keep a few extra batteries on you in case one dies.

Besides choosing how you want to power your vaporizer, you also have to figure out how you want to light it. Users light flame vaporizers with a lighter, which is the preferred method for many people, however it does produce a thin, less potent vapor. Butane portable vaporizers on the other hand are heated with butane, but you have to remember to refill the butane when it runs out, which is a hassle to some people.

Now, how do you want to use it?
Do you plan on vaping with blends, oils or waxes from the best dispensary in Denver? This is an important question that you need to answer before buying your first vaporizer. Each model is designed for use with one or more of these different forms of marijuana extract. If you don’t want to commit to only using one of these forms, make sure you find a model that is designed for all three. Learn more about types of cannabis extracts.

How do you want to control the temperature?
It’s recommended that you keep the temperature between 180 and 200 degrees Celsius when you are vaping marijuana extract. Some models allow you to control the temperature on your own, while others will automatically adjust it as needed. If you are a beginner, it’s best that you stick to a model that automatically changes the temperature. You can switch to a manual control later on when you are more familiar with vaping, but for now, start out slow.

If you ever have questions about vaping, come by Altitude Dispensary, the best dispensary in Denver, where our knowledgeable budtenders can help you find the right medical or recreational product to suit your needs. Contact Altitude Dispensary for more information today!