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2017 Colorado Weed Trends

February 1, 2017

The year 2016 was marked by rapid growth and innovation in the Colorado weed industry, but now that 2016 is over, it’s time to look to 2017. What can you expect in 2017? Experts are predicting these will be the hot trends in the New Year:

People will begin to take advantage of CBD.

CBD was a controversial topic across the United States in 2016, but it’s not going anywhere in 2017. This cannabinoid has been proven to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and fight anxiety, and in 2017, more people will visit their local Denver dispensary in search of this powerful product. This increase in demand could cause manufacturers to create new forms of the product, which is already available as an oil, tincture, capsule, and topical cream. Because many people are just beginning to research CBD, it’s possible new benefits could be discovered and marketed in 2017 as well. Learn about 10 little known uses for CBD.

There will be healthy edible products.

When people think of marijuana, they typically think of smoking the substance, but the truth is, many people eat it as opposed to smoking it. In 2017, this habit is expected to grow as more edible options will be available to consumers. Many of the edibles offered at dispensaries now are designed for people with a sweet tooth—think gummy bears, brownies, and cookies. But, in 2017, edible manufacturers are expected to introduce new, healthier options for people who want pain relief without extra calories—think bars and shakes that are low in calories and high in nutrients.  

Marijuana will be served with cocktails.

Although marijuana cocktails were first introduced in 2016, many people believe this idea will pick up steam in the New Year. Fans of the idea believe eventually marijuana will replace alcohol in the cocktails in many bars throughout the state of Colorado. However, the new labeling restrictions that went into effect in late 2016 require that every cannabis product must be stamped with a THC symbol. This is a challenge for the marijuana cocktail business, as it’s impossible to stamp a liquid with a symbol. If supporters want this trend to catch on, they have to think of a way to comply with the laws.

There will be gourmet edibles.

The edible market will not only add healthier options in 2017, but also more gourmet choices as well. Many people think now is the perfect time for high-end edible products to be introduced in Colorado dispensaries. Some people predict celebrity chefs will begin to introduce their own lines of premium edibles. Although this may seem like a stretch, one award-winning pastry chef and restaurant owner, Mindy Segal, already has her own line of edibles, so it’s possible more famed chefs will begin to take notice of this lucrative opportunity.

Want to learn more about these trends? For more information on edibles and other cannabis-infused products, come by Altitude Dispensary, a Denver dispensary, where our knowledgeable budtenders can help you find the right medical or recreational product to suit your needs. Contact Altitude Dispensary for more information today!