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The Beginner’s Guide to Using Cannabis Concentrates from the Best Weed Shops in Denver

September 11, 2019

You’ve been smoking marijuana for a while now and you’re finally ready to start branching out to the other products at your favorite Denver dispensary. And you’ve made the decision to try concentrates. If you’ve never used marijuana concentrates, you’re in for a treat. They provide a clean using experience and a fantastic high. But there’s more to it than just picking up the first concentrate you see behind the counter. 

Choose the Right Type of Concentrate
Before you buy, you need to think about how you plan on using your concentrate. Are you looking to use the concentrate in conjunction with your favorite flower or do you want to use it on its own? Concentrates come in different forms and some are better for certain purposes than others. For example, shatter is ideal for vaping on its own while rosin can give added potency to joints. 

You’ll also want to consider the flavor profiles you enjoy most. Oil and wax tend to keep the same flavor profile as the flower it comes from while shatter tends to lose most of the flavor-enhancing terpenes. But no matter what, you’ll still get plenty high. We promise. 

Make Sure You Have the Right Gear
To use concentrates, you’ll likely need some new gear. You can’t use your regular pipe or bong to smoke it, at least, not well. If you’re just wanting to get your feet wet, consider buying a pre-loaded vape pen. This will let you see if you enjoy the high, the taste, and the feel of the cannabis before you commit to a more expensive rig. 

But if you’re fairly sure you’re in it for the long-haul, you’ll want to invest in a quality vaporizer. Many reloadable pens are easy to use and offer a pleasant smoking experience. But if you’re really wanting to be involved in your high, consider investing in a dab rig. These rigs can be tough to use, but they deliver a better high, preserve more of the taste of the cannabis, and are just downright cool to look at.

Have a Way to Store Them
Concentrates aren’t like flower. They’re sticky and can get everywhere if you’re not careful with how you store them. Before you leave the dispensary, make sure you have everything you need to keep your concentrates clean and ready for use. If you’re not sure, ask your budtender for tips. Remember, they know how help you get the most out of your cannabis and will show you what you need to do to keep your concentrates in good and usable condition. 

Explore Your Options Today
Concentrates are just one of the many products you can find at your favorite dispensary. And it’s worth trying them all before you declare a favorite. The next time you stop by one of our three locations, take some time to familiarize yourself with the options out there. We’re happy to make some recommendations, but it’s always helpful if you have a general idea of what you’d like to try or accomplish.